Shane joins Emerel Phox, a guitarist and multiinstrumentalist composer to discuss her journey through addiction, TRANSformation, and music. This episode also features guest performances from Emerel’s fiance Ailish Poss on vocals, and friend Flint Million on keyboards and vocals.
The Music Clinic
This time, Shane chats with Ellis Hamilton, a brilliant multiinstrumentalist performer and composer. We discuss his life and music, and sit in on extensive selections from a legendary concert he performed with his band at the Berklee College of Music in March of 2019.
This month, Shane joins Jenni Rudolph, an incredible songwriter and recent graduate from the Berklee College of Music to discuss her career, songwriting, Berklee, pasta, and her 2019 album “Reignite.” We are also graced with the presence of Stewart Mitchell, a multi-instrumentalist producer, arranger, and performer who engineered “Reignite.” Jenni […]
Shane joins Tommy, Doc, Chris, Kyle, and John of Bad Wolves to discuss their career, musicianship, the music industry, touring and beyond. We also capture their live performance from Indianapolis from August 21, 2019. Bad Wolves online